The Core Diet Blog

Beth Peterson
IRONMAN Triathlete and Registered Dietitian
Registered Dietitian Name:Beth Peterson
Hometown:North Easton, MA
Where Beth Grew Up:Pittsburgh, PA
Education:BS Nutritional Sciences from Penn State University; currently working towards an MS in Nutritional Sciences from Arizona State University
Dietitian Experience:Beth has now been a registered dietitian for over 20 years, and in many different capacities - clinically, in wellness, and with athletes. Although the focuses are a bit different each time, the goal is the same - to help people live, feel, and perform better through solid nutrition and fueling.
Athletic Highlights:Beth grew up as a runner and competed in cross country and track throughout high school, and then for Penn State. After college, like most injured runners, Beth turned to triathlon, expecting to do one or two sprints for fun, and then get back to running full time. More than 15 years later, seven of which were spent racing professionally, Beth still at the triathlon thing. She had taken time away from IRONMAN to do ultra run races (those are hard), mountain bike racing, and even some off-road triathlons. Ultimately IRONMAN lured Beth back in. Now as an older, slower age grouper, Beth still enjoys the grind of the training and lifestyle.
Hobbies:Eating pizza? Swim/bike/run takes enough time...
Why work with The Core Diet:Beth's first experience with the Core Diet was as an athlete. The approach to race fueling made SUCH a big difference for her, that she jumped at the opportunity to be on the other end of the nutrition education, when it was offered. The attention to detail and the science-based approach to fueling is really second to none.
Favorite Quote:“Courage, dear heart.”
- C.S. Lewis
Hometown:North Easton, MA
Where Beth Grew Up:Pittsburgh, PA
Education:BS Nutritional Sciences from Penn State University; currently working towards an MS in Nutritional Sciences from Arizona State University
Dietitian Experience:Beth has now been a registered dietitian for over 20 years, and in many different capacities - clinically, in wellness, and with athletes. Although the focuses are a bit different each time, the goal is the same - to help people live, feel, and perform better through solid nutrition and fueling.
Athletic Highlights:Beth grew up as a runner and competed in cross country and track throughout high school, and then for Penn State. After college, like most injured runners, Beth turned to triathlon, expecting to do one or two sprints for fun, and then get back to running full time. More than 15 years later, seven of which were spent racing professionally, Beth still at the triathlon thing. She had taken time away from IRONMAN to do ultra run races (those are hard), mountain bike racing, and even some off-road triathlons. Ultimately IRONMAN lured Beth back in. Now as an older, slower age grouper, Beth still enjoys the grind of the training and lifestyle.
Hobbies:Eating pizza? Swim/bike/run takes enough time...
Why work with The Core Diet:Beth's first experience with the Core Diet was as an athlete. The approach to race fueling made SUCH a big difference for her, that she jumped at the opportunity to be on the other end of the nutrition education, when it was offered. The attention to detail and the science-based approach to fueling is really second to none.
Favorite Quote:“Courage, dear heart.”
- C.S. Lewis

Jan 11

According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, almost 90 percent of the U.S. population does not meet the recommendation for vegetables. Here are 6 easy ways to make sure you DO get your veggies!
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Dec 24

Pacing in racing is a key component of success, but it turns out, pacing your protein intake is just as important! Read on to learn more!

Jun 04

As a registered dietitian for the past 20+ years, I’ve received some very odd and interesting questions about fueling for sports! Most questions, though, are centered around the same topics, and below, I answer the most common questions I get from beginner athletes. It’s important to remember that one size does not fit all, however. What is appropriate diet and fueling wise for one might not be for another. Age, gender, sport, hours spent training, goals, and health history are all factors that can dictate your individual needs.

Feb 04

Eating out at a restaurant, and worse yet, a FAST-FOOD restaurant means a detour from healthy food choices for many. But it doesn’t have to! Read below for some good options from several popular fast-food chains.

Jan 18

The International Society of Sports Nutrition recently produced an updated position stand on caffeine and exercise performance. And JUST in case you don’t have the time or energy to wade through all 37 pages of the report, we’ve summarized the high points, as related to endurance exercise/sport, below.

Dec 30

If I had to choose the hottest topic in nutrition research right now – spanning all populations including, but not limited to athletes, critically ill patients, those who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, or simply a healthy sedentary population – the gut microbiome is that topic!

Dec 15

The Core Diet Immunity Scorecard provides an opportunity to check in with yourself and your coach to ensure you are taking all steps possible to stay healthy. Sleep is an important piece of the immunity puzzle. Read below to find out more.

Dec 09

The Core Diet Immunity Scorecard provides an opportunity to check in with yourself and your coach to ensure you are taking all steps possible to stay healthy. Adequate protein intake is a piece of the immunity puzzle. Read below to find out more.

Dec 01

The Core Diet Immunity Scorecard provides an opportunity to check in with yourself and your coach to ensure you are taking all steps possible to stay healthy. Properly fueling workouts is a piece of the immunity puzzle. Read below to find out more.

Nov 24

The Core Diet Immunity Scorecard provides an opportunity to check in with yourself and your coach to ensure you are taking all steps possible to stay healthy. Alcohol intake is a piece of the immunity puzzle. Read below to find out more.

Nov 16

The Core Diet Immunity Scorecard provides an opportunity to check in with yourself and your coach to ensure you are taking all steps possible to stay healthy. Prebiotics (which are different than probiotics) are a piece of the immunity puzzle. Read below to find out more.

Nov 12

The Core Diet Immunity Scorecard provides an opportunity to check in with yourself and your coach to ensure you are taking all steps possible to stay healthy. Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA/DHA in particular) are a piece of the immunity puzzle. Read below to find out more.

Nov 03

The Core Diet Immunity Scorecard provides an opportunity to check in with yourself and your coach to ensure you are taking all steps possible to stay healthy. Vitamin D is a piece of the immunity puzzle. Read below to find out more.

Nov 02

The Core Diet Immunity Scorecard provides an opportunity to check in with yourself and your coach to ensure you are taking all steps possible to stay healthy. Probiotics are a piece of the immunity puzzle. Read below to find out more.

Jul 21

Tis that hot and humid time of year when hydration is foremost on our minds. And if it’s not, it should be! Read on for some tips and tricks to keep you at your best, and not let dehydration put a damper on your training!

Jul 03

Our fourth and final week of the #coredietchallenge is brought to you by the ingredient EGGS! Check out just some of the awesome creations our athletes made!

Jun 26

Spinach was the ingredient for week three of the #coredietchallenge. Check out just a few of the awesome creations that were submitted!

Jun 19

Week two of our #coredietchallenge saw our athletes take on nut butter. Here is a sampling of the awesome ideas and creations they came up with!

Jun 10

Just a sampling of the awesome and creative strawberry recipes that our athletes submitted on week one of the #coredietchallenge!
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