Athletic Blood Work Analysis
Athletic Blood Work Analysis
Our blood work analyses are paid lump sum up front. There are no refunds . Your dietitian will be in touch with you within 48 hours to provide the 14 blood markers we need for the analysis! The Core Diet staff analyses blood markers for athletic performance, not disease. It is up to you to obtain the actual blood marker results. The Core Diet staff will only provide the markers to get for the analysis, answer questions in getting them, and analyze the results with you. If you cannot get the blood markers needed for the analysis from your PCP, the Core Diet staff can help provide a third party testing location to get it. Many markers are available thru LabCorpHERE, and fatty acid profiles are available thru Zone LabsHERE.
Blood work is the most detailed way for athletes to see the impact their nutrition is having on their body. Find out if you are eating the right stuff in the right quantities. Our dietitians will analyze the results of your blood work, compare against recommended values, and discuss the results with you. Based on that, they will recommend dietary changes and/or supplements to target your identified deficiencies. Create an environment that's ideal for athletic progress! This service includes:
- Comprehensive list of 14 athletic blood markers The Core Diet has found impacts performance sent you upon signup. Most markers can be gotten via your PCP and covered by insurance. Third party testing locations can also be provided to you if not covered by your insurance via your PCP.
- Support in getting you the proper blood work prior to your consult
- Analysis of your blood work against our recommended values for athletic performance
- 60 minute consultation to review your markers and suggest dietary changes to improve identified deficiencies